
Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Rumah Makan D' Cost Seafood kemang


Description for D' Cost Seafood
D' Cost adalah sebuah restaurant spesialisasi Seafood dengan motto "Mutu" & "Harga". Anda dapat membandingkan persamaan antara belanja dan masak sendiri dirumah dengan segala kerepotannya dan pengeluaran makan di D' Cost akan lebih murah.

Untuk itu, tinggalkan segera segala kerepotan memasak dirumah dan datanglah segera ke D' Cost karena pengeluaran makan di D' Cost dan rumah sama!

Description for D 'Cost Seafood
D 'Cost Seafood is a specialty restaurant with the motto "Quality" & "Price". You can compare the similarities between the shopping and cook yourself at home with all kerepotannya and meal expenses in D 'cost will be cheaper.

For that, leave immediately all the trouble to cook at home and came immediately to D 'Cost for meal expenses at D' Cost and home together!

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